PvP in The Elder Scrolls Online is entirely in Cyrodiil, an active PvP zone in the center of the map of the game. This is a huge raid zone in a similar way to "RvRvR" battles of some other MMOs (Realm Vs Realm Vs Realm), all three fractions over, but instead it realms, it is literally that everyone on the opposite faction ss it's really just a kingdom by Mega server technology.
You can enter Cyrodiil on level 10, by pressing the "L" key and the candidate Cyrodiil. There are about 10 cases of Cyrodiil as I write this so that all the game players (is all in a region on the same mega-Server) under 10 total Cyrodiil instances are divided. This means that there are literally hundreds of esogold Players for each side, the fighting at the same time in a Cyrodiil.
Players work to take different points on the map, since so do buffs and bonuses for fractions offers that are desirable. In this section I will provide some general tips to increase your success and the rewards in PvP.
Tip1. To do repeatable quests
The repeatable quests that you can pick up on the bounty board (you do PvP tutorial, if you do not know what I'm talking about) are ideal for experience, PvP rank and PvP currency. The most important is the quest to kill 20 players as you can complete it in a few minutes if you are in an active Raid player sind.Drehen in this search will provide you with experience, gold, items (in the mail) and PvP currency which is required for Step 2
Tip2. Buy siege weapons
If you want to be useful in PvP and actually make a difference, you have to buy and use siege weapons. These can be purchased (close to the Bounty Board) by the manufacturer siege weapons in PvP city. Catapults are great for killing players, destroy buildings and pumpkins Ballistae destroy enemy siege weapons. They carry all three of you, and use whichever is appropriate for the situation. It costs only around 1,800 PvP tokens (you get 1000 for the completion of the quest Kill 20 players) and you can grab the siege and re-use (you only lose them when they destroyed).
Tipp3. Use forward Camps intelligent
The forward-Camp is much more expensive, but much more than a siege weapon. It allows your faction Respawn on wherever elder scrolls online gold to set it back instead of in a cemetery. You need to capture this enemy strongholds, since it allows you to respawn near the donjon that attack you. These cost a lot more resources but you can easily tens of thousands of PvP token by concatenating the Kill 20-player search so that you can afford.
Tip4. Remember, though, to break out of balance
When you engage in direct combat at the end with other players, remember that you will break the effect from the balance. I mentioned that you can break out of balance by using interrupt (hold right click, tap left click). If you forget that you can do to break other players Stunlock you and PvP is not very funny.